Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rosie's first week

Rosie has done well this week! She is beginning to adjust to life as a pet. She and our lab have started playing, not just co-existing. She is also staying in her boundaries with the wireless fence. She is still not seeking out our human companionship. I am working on that. I am making her sit periodically throughout the day (which she is now being stubborn about) and making her sit before she receives food, treats, etc. I will move on to walking on a leash soon. and some other basic commands. She is recognizing her name "Rosie" and is coming when we call it. She jumps in and out of our fence as she pleases (please refer to an above picture!)
She is still constantly on the hunt when I am with her in the back yard - looking for squirrel trails or chasing birds.
Stay tuned! "Rosie learns a new command" coming up next!

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